Equipo Williams

Hiking and Museums in Ushuaia

In Tierra del Fuego we went on a long hike.  It was about three hours long. It was not too hard.  We hiked alongside a river.  It led to a lake that was ice cold, and there we had a picnic.  From the lake you can see a valley carved out by a glacier. It is called a cirque.

Beavers are invasive here and we though we might see one.  Unfortunately, we didn’t see one. I think humans brought them here for fur. We did see kelp geese.

Then we went to a museum of history.  In the museum were ancient artifact things about birds and other cool stuff.  In the bird section they had taxidermized Andean condors.  In one section they had a rifle revolver.  They had arrow heads and harpoon points.  There was shipwreck stuff too. I think it was a cruise ship from a long time ago. The people of Ushuaia let the people from the ship-wrecked cruise stay in their houses.  

2 Responses

  1. More good pictures and descriptions, Syd. I’m impressed at all of the museums that you have found in your travels. Enjoy every bit of it. All too soon you’ll be sitting back here in the US.

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