- The Alamoby SydneyWe went to the Alamo because I read a book about it and I thought it was awesome. Texas used… Read more: The Alamo
- Central America Retrospectiveby AudreyI already did a top ten for South America and I thought it went fairly well. I enjoyed doing it… Read more: Central America Retrospective
- Xunatunich and Iguanasby MarcusOur border crossing from Guatemala* in to Belize was quick and easy, and Belize is not a big place. We… Read more: Xunatunich and Iguanas
- The Belize Zooby AudreyA couple days ago we went to the Belize Zoo. We wanted to learn about northern central American animals so… Read more: The Belize Zoo
- Temples in the Jungleby AudreyToday we went to Tikal. Tikal is an ancient Mayan site in Guatemala. It is considered the second most famous… Read more: Temples in the Jungle